May 25, 2011

Non-Newtonian Liquids

A non-newntonian liquid is a mass that has all the properties of a solid and a liquid. One, easy-to-make, fun non-newtonian liquid shown here is cornstarch and water. All you need is:
1. 1 box of cornstarch
2. 1 1/2 cups of water
All you do is:
1. pour approx. a 1/4 of the cornstarch and a fluid ounce of water in a large mixing container
2. mix it until no more cornstarch is visible
3. repeat 1. and 2. until there are no more ingredents left
There should be a thick gooey substance. skim your finger across it. It feels like a solid. Now punch it. It still feels like a solid. Now look at it carefully. It looks like a solid. Now rest your hand on the surface. It feels like a liquid. Try picking it up. A solid. Now let it drip off your hand. A liquid. Try other things.
